
"Reflection for Success"

     We do to know what the future holds but that for me that is what drives me to do better. The excitement I feel about the future is what motivates me to excel in things and wonder what would these achievements may bring me. As teenagers, most of us usually just goes with the flow of life, sometimes it can be scary because the future I limitless and unpredictable that a step may either grab us down or is a stepping stone for our success. Time flies really fast, it feels like just yesterday when it was the first day of class but now we are preparing ourselves for our completion. It was not an easy journey, the road were bumpy but that’s what builds us to learn more from our experiences.      We are now preparing for our completion, it is a bittersweet experience for me. There is a part of me that is happy because finally I will be stepping towards another chapter in my life and is coming close to my goal. A part of me also are having flashbacks about the memories that I’v

"Imagining the Engineer I’ll Become: A Glimpse into the Future"

      As I sit here, contemplating the future, I can’t help but wonder where life’s journey will lead me. Ten years from now seems like an eternity, yet the possibilities are infinite. As an aspiring engineer, I envision a decade of growth, challenges, and remarkable achievements. Join me as we delve into a speculative glimpse of the engineer I may become.      A decade of dedication and perseverance has led me to carve out my niche in the vast realm of engineering. Through continuous learning and hands-on experience, I have honed my skills and become an expert in my chosen field. Whether it be civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or aerospace engineering, I have mastered the intricacies and nuances that define my expertise. As the world continues to evolve, so does engineering. In ten years, I’ll be at the forefront of innovation, working on initiatives that push the frontiers of what was once thought to be impossible. In order to build a more connected, effectiv

"Change Starts with Me"

     Change. It's a word that carries immense power and potential. We often hear people say, "If you want to see change in the world, be the change." This simple statement holds a profound truth: change starts with me.      Change is a constant and something that is inescapable. We change for a purpose, but unless we dig deeper, it's impossible to say if it will be good or harmful for us. Although changing oneself can be difficult, most changes are for the better as we mature. Change does not necessarily mean leaving behind the past, but for me, it means using the past as an opportunity for growth that will help me become more mature and aware of my surroundings. Yes, there are many things that influence us, but the truth is that we can only change if we make the effort; it is not something that is forced; rather, by considering who we are, we try to change for the best.      As I reflect on this notion, I realize that change is not an external force; it is an int

"The One Who Cared for Me the Most"

     This year has gone by pretty fast, and maybe for some it is quite boring but I say it is not. Many challenges have tested me throughout this year, countless battles that I've yet to conquer but amidst all of these, there is one who stood by my side patiently. She who guided me without a word and showered me with love, she who protects me from the evil of the world, and she is my mother.       Mother's day for me is a very special day, of course it is for all of us but it just holds a special place in my heart. I cannot express my love and gratitude towards my mother easily, it is not that I don't want to but it is simply because I tend to shy away. On this day, I can express it freely and easily maybe because of the day but nonetheless I still feel happy to say it. For all the things that they have done they deserve to be honored and pampered on this special day. They deserve to sit back and relax and to enjoy the day, they deserve a break because they are

"Admiring the Hardships of Filipinos"

     It is a well-known fact that on may 1 is a public holiday specifically directed for giving honor to the nation’s hardworking citizens regardless of their occupation. In Filipino it is known as “Araw ng mga Manggagawa”. Labor movements and parades are part of the festivities to bring attention to the grievances and sufferings the Filipinos undergone through, it includes minimum wage, inhumane working rights and other issues that compromise the working rights of the Filipinos.The first observed labor day was in may 1, 1903, a 100,000 workers were organized to march from tondos Plaza Mariones to Malacanang by the first labor organization U.O.D.F. The protesting employees demanded an improved working conditions by the American-led-government. This event is also regarded as the first public protest in manila.      Herminigildo Cruz, the other founder of U.O.D.F organized the Congreso Obrero de Filipinas which is the first ever labour day celebration on may 1,1913. Ralli

"A Quarter Full of Humbling Experiences"

   Reflecting on this quarter I must say that the experience that I’ve gathered has influenced my growth and my improvement as a whole, it is mainly because I’ve been surrounded with my positive friends that has greatly increased my confidence and helped me get through this quarter. I can honestly say that this shift has benefitted me in more ways than one. I also came to the realization that in order for me to develop, I need to know what or who I genuinely like. My desire to better comprehend and explore who I am was another one of my objectives. It is not an exaggeration to claim that if we put our minds to anything, even the most mundane things may be changed because a change starts with me.      This quarter is clearly more difficult than the previous ones, and with that in mind, it took me a while to physically and emotionally acclimatize because the material was so challenging. But happily, with the help of my instructors and friends, I was able to conquer it-though

"An Unforgettable Day: High School Day Celebration"

     The Ilocos Sur National Highschool is proud to be hosting its annual High School Day celebration. All high school students, faculty, and alumni are invited to this celebration of the institution's great traditions and heritage.  The High School Day celebration will undoubtedly be a memorable occasion.      At 8 a.m., the program will start. with a Mass of Thanksgiving. The program will resume at 10 a.m. with hymns and the doxology performed by the teacher's choir. The principal of our school and the head of the school division will provide opening remarks to formally begin the program. To continue the inspirational speech and introduce the keynote speaker, the chosen Grade 10 students will perform an intermission number. One of the Outstanding Alumnae from the class of 2006 will give a motivational speech. Along with the honoring of outstanding teachers, workers, and retirees, we also witness the presentation of a plaque of distinction to the guest speaker. The third and l