The Nightmare

     The lockdown that we all had to put up with because of Covid-19 was undeniably not very easy. I have experienced feeling lost and detached from reality multiple times because I just couldn't imagine we were in that tough situation; The restrictions were making it even worse for me. I remember when I went to the grocery store and forgot to bring my pass card, and so the guard didn't let me in. I had to travel all the way back home just to get that thing and present it to him so I could enter the establishment.

On the other hand, academic learning during a pandemic is a pain. Never did I ever think before that we would have to switch from face-to-face classes to the new way of learning which is attending online classes. It was very unusual to me at first that I couldn't even focus on the discussions until I finally got used to it. There were times when I would also experience interruptions because of the internet service provider. As a result, I would get so overwhelmed and upset, thinking that I might get left behind if I take absences on my class meetings.

However, I am grateful that I was able to cope with it. I was able to still make use of my time and efforts during the pandemic, efficiently. I did this by simply not letting a single frustration stop me from doing what I have to do. I would always make sure that when I'm up for something, I don't leave it undone. It's safe to say that those times were one of the most challenging times of my life during the Covid-19 breakout. Still and all, just live everybody else, I have survived.


Rexandpan, Distance Learning, 2020. Retrieved 11/01/2022.


  1. I am so proud of you Ghaveriel for surviving all the challenges you have encountered during the pandemic, Keep it up !!

  2. Congrats, you made it through with this survival game part of your life.


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